To purchase a ticket, click "Go to purchase procedure".

Fan Club Only

¥17,700 per ticket

一般指定席 南ゲート|Dゾーン|8通路 / 36列 / 128番
Sell-by-Date 2025/3/14 (Fri)  23:59
Number of purchases
1​ ​


★Please make sure to purchase the ticket only for the person who will be using it and entering the venue on the day of the performance.
Tickets purchased on behalf of another person cannot be transferred or distributed.
Please note that we cannot cancel or refund orders if you make a mistaken purchase.
*In this resale, the types of tickets you can purchase will vary depending on your membership type.

・General reserved seats ・Family seats (Nissy Entertainment Park member advance sale <1st, 2nd, 3rd>)
Only Nissy Entertainment Park members can purchase this item.

・General reserved seats/Family seats (sales other than Nissy Entertainment Park member advance sale)
Non-members can also purchase tickets.

*If you purchase a general reserved seat or family seat (Nissy Entertainment Park member advance sale <1st, 2nd, 3rd>), you will need to provide "Nissy Entertainment Park membership authentication" at the time of purchase.
Please note that non-members cannot purchase tickets.
*Payment must be made by credit card.
*Once the purchase is complete, the applicable ticket will be displayed on the "My Event" ticket list screen.
If you purchase multiple tickets, please distribute them among your companions.
*When your companion collects their ticket, they will also need to download AnyPASS and register to use it (free of charge).
*Tickets purchased through resale can also be resold again within the resale period.
*Seats will be displayed from 3:00 p.m. five days before the performance.

*Please note that tickets purchased cannot be distributed.
*If you purchase tickets for the same performance on the same date and time multiple times under the same name and mobile phone number, each ticket will remain in your possession for each purchaser.
Any remaining tickets can only be used by the person who purchased them.
Please note that other people cannot use or enter the venue.
(If you purchase a single ticket twice, both tickets will remain in your possession and cannot be distributed.)
[Ticket price (tax included)]
General reserved seating: 17,700 yen
Family seat: 19,700 yen
Premium Nissy Seat: 38,000 yen

■ About Family Seats
*"Family Seats" are designated seating areas prepared for small children and elderly customers who wish to sit down and watch the live performance.
*The "Family Seat" price is for one person. It is not a pair ticket.
*Please be sure to remain seated during the live performance.
*These seats do not guarantee proximity to the stage.
*Even if you are not a family, if you wish to reserve a seat, you can apply for a Family Seat.

■About Premium Nissy Seats
<Bonus content>
Benefit (1): Guaranteed arena seat or front row seat near the front of the stands
Bonus (2): Includes original goods exclusive to the Premium Nissy Seat
Benefit (3): A priority lane will be available at the merchandise sales area at the venue (VIP and Premium will share the same lane)
Benefit (4): A dedicated lane will be provided for entering the venue
*Goods will be handed out at the entrance on the day of the performance. Please note that we cannot deliver them at a later date.
[Goods Details]
・Bath towels with muffler towel designs from past years
・Patch keychain set
・Celebrate endlessly!? Garlands
・Cotton bag with shoulder strap - Comes with ribbon elastic and visual acrylic keychain

*Admission is free for children under 3 years old only if they sit on someone's lap. (However, if a seat is required, admission will be charged.)
*If you are using a wheelchair, in order to ensure smooth guidance to your seat, please contact us regarding the performance after purchasing your ticket, and before the day of the performance.
*Recording and filming equipment (cell phones) is prohibited.
*Resale for commercial purposes is prohibited
*Please note that the opening and starting times of the venue may be subject to change.
*Please note that for performances, cancellations, changes, and refunds cannot be made after tickets have been purchased, regardless of the reason.

AnyPASS STORE Individual Rules / Individual Rules on GroupTix Functions / Individual Rules on AnyPASS MATCH

【AnyPASS STORE Individual Terms and Conditions】


AnyPass STORE (hereinafter referred to as “Store”) is the member system ticket transaction site for the Services. To use the Store, members must agree to these Individual Rules.


Article 1 (Definitions)

Definitions of the terms used in these Rules shall be as follows:

(1) “Target Event” means concerts, events, sports events, etc. for which the organizer of the event and the Company have licensed the sale and purchase of tickets for the event in the Store.

(2) “Target ticket” means a tickets for a target event.

(3) “Target ticket holder” means a member who purchases a target ticket from a ticket sales service such as a ticket agency, etc. and the Store and holds the right to said ticket in the Service App.

(4) “Ticket Seller” means a member who desires to list or has listed the Target Ticket in the Store.

(5) “Ticket Purchaser” means a member who desires to purchase or has purchased the Target Ticket in the Store.

(6) “Companion” means a member who receives a ticket by distribution from the Target Ticket Holder and Ticket Purchaser.

(7) “Store Site” means AnyPASS STORE website operated by the Company: https: //

(8) “Fixed Price Transaction” means a transaction in which a Ticket Seller sells a Target Ticket in the Store at the same price as the ticket price (excluding peripheral fees) purchased by the Ticket Seller itself through a ticket sales service such as a ticket agency. 

(9) “Price Fluctuation Transaction” means a transaction in which a Target Ticket is bought or sold at a price other than a fixed price transaction.

(10) “Smartphone,” “mobile phone number,” and “email address” refer to each user's smartphone device, mobile phone number and email address used for the Services, respectively.


Article 2 (Contents of service)

The main service of the Store shall be as follows.

1. Ticket purchase

Ticket purchasers can purchase Target Tickets using the Store.

2. Listing tickets

Target Ticket Holders can list Target Tickets in the Store for the purpose of buying and selling tickets. In principle, Companions may not list Target Ticket in the Store. Please check the event official website of the event corresponding to the ticket issued by the Service App or the ticket sales page at the ticket agency. to see if the ticket can be listed in the Store. Members cannot use the listing function of the Service App for tickets that are not Target Tickets.


Article 3 (Notice)

The Company will notify the users with necessary information from time to time by e-mail, display on the Store website, display on the website operated by the Company, or any other method that the Company deems appropriate.


Article 4 (Use Environment)

1. The use of this service shall be in accordance with Article 4 (Use Environment) of the AnyPASS Terms of Service.

2. The Store can also be used via an internet browser, but the functions described in the following items can only be used with the Service App.

(1) Request for listing Target Tickets

(2) Member registration for the Service

(3) Profile change

3. Please check the recommended use Internet browser environment from the website of the Service:

4. When using with a browser other than the above, the Service may not be displayed correctly. Even in the recommended environment, depending on the settings of the member's browser, the Service may not be available.


Article 5 (Member Registration and Login Method)

1. Matters concerning membership registration when using the Store shall be in accordance with Article 5 (Membership Registration) of the AnyPASS Terms of Service.

2. When browsing the Store using the Service App, automatic login is available only after membership registration.

3. When logging in from an internet browser, the registered email address and password are required. Moreover, if a member purchases a ticket from a browser, the right to ticket will be granted to the account associated with the member’s email address.


Article 6 (Ticket Listing)

1. Listing request

Target Ticket Holders may list Target Tickets in the Store. Listing requests can be made only from the “List this item” button placed on the individual ticket page of My Event of the Service App. For the Target Tickets received by the Companion, the tickets for the Companion can also be listed for sale in the Store by returning the applicable ticket to the Target Ticket Holder who distributed the applicable ticket.

2. List price

Ticket Seller sets the list price of the Target Ticket according to the rules of the Fixed Price Transaction or Price Fluctuation Transaction of the Target Ticket set forth by the event organizer and the Company. Please check the official event site of the Target Event for the list price rules.

(1) Fixed Price Transaction

The Ticket Seller lists the Target Ticket at the same price as the ticket price (excluding peripheral fees) purchased by the Ticket Seller themself through a ticket sales service such as a ticket agency, etc.

(2) Price Fluctuation Transactions

(i) When the event organizer and the Company set the list price

If the event organizer or the Company sets a price other than the list price, the Ticket Seller must follow the price set by the organizer or the Company. In addition, the Ticket Seller can only trade at a price other than the set list price.

(ii) When the ticket seller sets the list price

If the event organizer or the Company does not set a price other than the fixed price, the Ticket Seller shall set the list price by themself. In this case, it is possible to set the list price at the same amount as the Ticket Seller purchased from the ticket agency, etc. In addition, there are maximum and minimum limit prices set by the event organizer and the Company for setting the list price, and the ticket seller will be asked to decide the price within that price range.

3. Listing period

A period of time is set for the sale of each Target Ticket, and Ticket Sellers can list at any time during such listing period. In addition, the Ticket Seller may cancel the listing within the listing period until the sales for the Target Ticket is concluded.

4. Change of listing contents

It is not possible to change the contents of the listed Target Tickets, such as the number of tickets and sales conditions. If you wish to change the content, the Ticket Seller must cancel the listing, change the content, and then request for listing again.

5. Effect of sales

The sales contract for the sale and purchase of the listed Target Ticket becomes effective directly between the Ticket Seller and the Ticket Purchaser when the Ticket Purchaser pays the ticket sales price for the transaction (upon completion of payment). However, if the Company cancels the payment due to fraudulent acts by the Ticket Purchaser, etc. during the period between the conclusion of the contract and the holding of the event, the contract for the relevant sale shall also be invalidated. The rights to invalidated Target Ticket shall be revert to the Ticket Seller and the Ticket Seller may list again.

6. The Ticket Seller cannot cancel, revoke or terminate a sales contract that has been concluded at the convenience of the Ticket Seller.

7. Payment of transaction amount

The Ticket Seller shall grant the Company the right to receive the sales price of the listed tickets and entrusts Company with the receipt of the ticket sales price.

8. Transfer ticket data to purchasers

The data of the Target Ticket that was listed shall be automatically transferred to the Ticket Purchaser, as of the time of the conclusion of the sales.

9. Sales management

Ticket Sellers can check the sales of the Target Ticket for which a sales contract has been concluded in “Sales Management” on the Store.


Article 7 (Commissions for listing)

1. There is no fee for members to list Target Tickets in the Store. the Ticket Seller will be charged a specified sales commission when the sale transaction of the listed ticket is completed.

2. The sales commission related to the sale of the listed Target Ticket shall be separately determined by the Company and the organizer of the Target Event. The Ticket Seller can confirm the amount of the sales commission in advance when listing the ticket.

3. The Ticket Seller will receive the ticket sales price after deducting the Company’s sales commission.

4. At the time to be specified by the Company (in a separate document), the Company shall settle the total purchase price of the Target Ticket paid to the Company by the Ticket Purchaser by deducting the sales commission set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Article from the total purchase price of the Target Ticket and shall remit the settled amount to the Ticket Seller by a payment method separately specified by the Company.

5. If the amount to be paid to the ticket seller is less than the transfer charge (600 yen (incl. consumption tax); the same shall apply hereinafter) as a result of the settlement in the preceding paragraph, the Company may decide not to pay it.

6. At the time of payment under this article, when the information required for remittance is unregistered or inaccurate when the Company entrusts payment to a remittance agency (the above-mentioned settlement agency may also serve as this; the same shall apply in the subsequent paragraph), the Company may withhold payment until it is registered or corrected. In addition, if the information required for remittance is inaccurate and the Company cannot remit, the transfer fee (this will occur each time remittance is attempted) specified by the Company will be charged again for the re-remittance after the correction, and the ticket seller shall bear this. The ticket seller shall register the information necessary for remittance and receive the payment within the period specified by the Company (in the Exhibit), but if the payment is held back due to inadequate registration information etc., the ticket seller shall re-register or correct any information so that remittance can be made within a 24-month period from the time of withholding of payment, and receive payment. In addition, if the ticket seller does not re-register or make corrections within the period, the ticket seller shall be deemed to have waived all rights to receive the money, regardless of the name.

7. If the information required for remittance is unregistered or inaccurate when entrusting payment to a remittance agency when making payments under this Article, the Company may, at the time specified by the Company, settle the amount by deducting from the total amount of the purchase price of the target ticket paid to the Company by the Ticket Purchaser the sales commissions set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Article and the costs required for remittance under this Paragraph, and remit the amount after settlement to the Ticket Seller by the payment method specified by the Company separately, not withholding the payment under the preceding paragraph.


Article 8 (Cancellation of Posting of Target Tickets)

If the Target Ticket falls under or if the Company determines that it falls under any of the following, Company may cancel the posting of the Target Ticket.

(1) When the posting violates or may violate prohibitions of these terms and conditions;

(2) In other cases that violate these terms and conditions;

(3) When the posted information on the Target Event is unclear;

(4) When it is impossible or extremely difficult to hold the Target Event;

(5) When the event organizer announces the change or cancellation of the contents of the Target Event related to the Target Ticket before the sales contract of the Target Ticket is concluded.


Article 9 (Purchase of Tickets)

1. Ticket Purchasers can purchase target tickets listed in the Store in accordance with these terms and conditions.

2. Target Tickets may also be sold by other ticket sales services and the price there may differ from the prices of Target Tickets sold at the Store.

3. The ticket purchaser may not withdraw an application for a purchase contract, revoke, cancel or terminate an established contract, or receive a refund due to the ticket purchaser’s reasons, such as when the ticket purchaser is found not to be the target to use the target ticket after applying for the sales contract or after the sales contract is concluded.

4. When purchasing the target ticket, purchaser may be asked to enter the purchase qualifications such as the fan club membership number specified by the entertainment organizer and the Company. If the purchaser does not have certain purchase qualifications, the purchaser will not be able to purchase target tickets. 

5. When a ticket purchaser purchases the target ticket without entering the purchase qualifications such as the fan club membership number specified by the entertainment organizer and the Company, and then later the fact that the relevant ticket purchaser did not have certain purchase qualifications is discovered, the Company may refuse admission to the target event relating to said ticket for the relevant ticket purchaser, and the ticket purchaser will be not be able to withdraw the sales contract application, or cancel, revoke or terminate a sales contract that has been established, nor be able to receive a refund.

6. Ticket data will be added to the Service App of the ticket purchaser when the sales contract is concluded for the purchased target ticket.

7. When purchasing a Target Ticket for an accompanying person, the Ticket Purchaser must confirm that all accompanying persons meet the use qualifications stipulated in these terms and conditions before purchasing the Target Tickets, and ensure understanding by all accompanying persons of the fact that the Target Tickets will be purchased using the Store; that these terms and conditions will also be applicable to accompanying persons; that accompanying persons must also be members of the Services in order to receive and hold tickets by distribution; and that mobile phone numbers and fan club member information, etc. of accompanying persons will be registered as necessary information for use of the Services, and consent shall be obtained after confirming that the information to be registered is correct.

8. When the Ticket Purchaser hands over the ticket to an accompanying person, it is necessary to use the distribution function of the Service App. The accompanying person must be a member of the Service App and the Services in order to receive tickets.

9. Distribution specifications may differ for each Target Ticket, and distribution may not be possible or distribution may be required for all accompanying persons.

10 Please note that even if it is found that the accompanying person cannot use the Services or does not consent to the use of the Services after the sales contract for the Target Ticket is concluded, the Target Ticket cannot be canceled or refunded.

11. Ticket purchasers shall also accept all precautions set forth by organizer of the target event and the company.


Article 10 (Payment)

1. The amount to be paid when purchasing the Target Ticket is the total amount of the purchase price of the Target Ticket, taxes related to the purchase of the ticket, and commissions (“fees, etc.”). However, a separate communication fee will be charged.

2. Purchase commissions for purchasing Target Tickets shall be determined separately by the Company and the event organizer of the Target Event. Ticket Purchasers can check the purchase commission amount in advance when purchasing a ticket.

3. The Ticket Purchaser shall pay the fees, etc. to the Company, which shall complete the settlement of the Target Ticket sales contract between the Ticket Seller and the Ticket Purchaser. However, if a fraudulent payment by the Ticket Purchaser is discovered, the Company shall immediately invalidate the sales contract and revoke the rights to the ticket purchased by the Ticket Purchaser.

4. There are the following payment methods for fees, etc.

Payment by credit card in the name of the ticket purchaser

(Credit cards issued outside Japan may not be accepted.)

5. The Company shall outsource the paperwork related to payment to SB Payment Service Corp. (“payment agency”).

6. Payment of the fees, etc. shall be in accordance with the provisions of the contract separately concluded by the ticket purchaser with the settlement agency.


Article 11 (Refund for Cancellation of Target Event)

1. Even if the event organizer announces that the content of the Target Event has been changed or canceled after the sales contract for the Target Ticket has been concluded at the Store, the notification does not affect the validity of the sales contract, and the Ticket Purchaser related to the sales contract (if the ticket is repeatedly bought and sold in the Store, the final ticket purchaser who ultimately holds the data of the target ticket; the same shall apply hereinafter in this article) shall follow the instructions of the organizer and perform the procedures (refunds, etc.) associated with changing or canceling the content of the Target Event. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability for changing or canceling the content of the Target Event.

2. When the organizer gives the notification set forth in the preceding paragraph and the Company is requested to act as an agency for refund operations on behalf of the organizer, in principle, the Company shall refund the amount entrusted by the organizer to the Ticket Purchaser who purchased the ticket at the Store. If we receive a refund request from a ticket agency, we may also act on its behalf.

3. Upon refunding in the preceding paragraph, the Company will refund the Ticket Purchaser together with the ticket price for the accompanying persons.

4. Please note that the Company will not compensate for transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. even in the case of Paragraph 2 of this Article.

5. For refunds, Ticket Purchasers are required to register information such as bank accounts in the format specified by the Company and the form specified by the settlement company.

6. If the refund account registration as in the preceding paragraph is not done by the date specified by the Company, or if the registration details are incomplete or incorrect and the refund cannot be made, a separate fee will be charged (this will occur each time the refund is attempted) for the refund procedure again and the ticket purchaser shall bear this. If a refund is withheld from the ticket purchaser due to inadequate registration information, etc., the refund shall be received by re-registering or correcting the information with which a refund is possible within a period of 24 months from the time of withholding. If re-registration or corrections are done within the period, the purchaser shall be deemed to have waived the receipt.

7. The Company may re-delegate to the refund agency operations related to refunds under this article requested by the event organizer or ticket agency, etc. to a refund agency.


Article 12 (Prohibitions)

Members must not perform any of the following acts in addition to Article 25 (Prohibitions) of the AnyPASS Terms of Service.

(1) To place an order using software with an automatic bidding function or by any other method or means that the Company deems unreasonable or inappropriate.

(2) To place an order in a manner that interferes with trading, such as placing an order repeatedly on the same listed ticket unnecessarily.

(3) To place an order even though you do not really intend to purchase, such as ordering for the purpose of teasing or harassment, or canceling a listing without a justifiable reason.

(4) Use third party information for the purpose of forgery or impersonation regarding payment methods and remittance accounts.

(5) Acts that impersonate another person to sell or purchase tickets and may cause inconvenience or damage to the Company, members or third parties.

(6) Assignment or lending, etc. of a member ID.

(7) Acts of using the Store for commercial purposes, whether directly or indirectly.

(8) Money transfer acts other than on the Service site provided by the Company.

(9) The act of entering information, etc. that contains false, inaccurate, or misleading content.

(10) Acts of falsifying information that can be used for the Service.

(11) Acts that violate the laws and regulations of Japan or applicable foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as “Laws”), or acts that violate the public order and morals. Also, the act of recommending and promoting such acts.

(12) Acts that violate the TOS and individual rules.

(13) In addition to the previous items, any act that may interfere with the operation of the Store.


Article 13 (Suspension or Discontinuation of Service)

1. The Company may temporarily suspend provision of the Store after notifying the user in advance for reasons such as system maintenance and inspection. However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances for us, provision of the Store may be temporarily suspended without notice.

2. The Company may close the Store after notifying the user in advance due to the operating status of the Store and other unavoidable circumstances.


Article 14 (Disclaimer)

1. Members shall use the Store at their own risk. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability for any damage caused by information, materials, etc. obtained by members through the use of the Store. In addition, the Company shall assume no liability for content such as information, materials, reliability and accuracy of the facts provided.

2. The Company shall assume no liability for any hindrance to the use of the service due to reasons arising out of members. In using the service, the Company shall consider that members fully understand that the Services may not be used unless members follow the instructions from the Company and perform procedures in accordance with the instructions.

3. The Company and the seller shall assume no liability for any damage or disadvantage incurred by the purchaser themself due to refusal of the purchaser’s use of the Store, cancellation of membership or cancellation of orders.

4. The purchaser may make no claim for damages or any other objection to the seller or the Company regarding a decision to confirm or cancel a purchase.

5. The Company shall assume no responsibility for matters related to the availability of financial resources of the purchaser and the seller and the fulfillment of obligations.

6. If the Company is unable to provide the Services due to natural disaster, legal and administrative guidance, guidance from regulatory agencies, accident, force majeure, etc., the Company shall be exempted from liability for service provision.

7. The Company shall assume no liability for any damage incurred by the computer and network environment used by the members through the use of the Store.

8. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability even if an event for a listed ticket fails to be executed, irrespective of the reason.


Article 15 (Tax payments)

Ticket sellers shall contact the tax authorities in their area for tax payments on the amount of money earned from ticket transactions at the Store.


Article 16 (Establishment and Revision)

The dates of enactment and revision of these Rules shall be as follows.


Establishment: July 9, 2020

Revision: March 11, 2022

Revised July 1,2022

Revision: March 30, 2023

Revision: May 11, 2023

Revision: August 1, 2023

Revision: July 25, 2024


【Individual Rules on GroupTix Functions】


The GroupTix function is one of the functions of the Services. To use this function, it’s necessary to agree to these Individual Rules.


Article 1 (Definitions)

Definitions of the terms used in these Rules shall be as follows:

(1) “Target event” means concerts, events, sports events etc. for which sale and purchase of tickets using the Services is licensed by the Company outside an “AnyPASS STORE” (“Store”)

(2) “Target ticket” means a tickets for a target event.

(3) “Target ticket holder” means a member who purchases a target ticket from a ticket sales service such as a ticket agency, etc. and the Store and holds the right to said ticket in the Service App.

(4) “Ticket transferor” means a member who desires to sell a target ticket or who sells a target ticket using the Services outside the Store.

(5) “Ticket purchaser” means a member who desires to purchase or has purchased the target ticket using the Services outside the Store.

(6) “Accompanying person” means a member who receives tickets by distribution from the Ticket Holder.

(7) “Store Site” means AnyPASS STORE website operated by the Company: https: //

(8) “Smartphone,” “mobile phone number,” and “email address” refer to each user's smartphone terminal used for the Services, and the mobile phone number and email address thereof, respectively.


Article 2 (Specifics of Function)

Major specifics of the GroupTix function shall be as follows:

1. Ticket purchase

Ticket purchasers may purchase target tickets using the Services outside the Store.

2. Ticket transfer

Target ticket holders may transfer target tickets using the Services outside the Store for the purpose of buying and selling tickets. In principle, it is not possible for an accompanying person to transfer a target ticket. In addition, members cannot use the Group Tix function of the Service App for tickets that are not target tickets.


Article 3 (Ticket Transfer)

1. Transfer

Target ticket holders may transfer the target tickets outside the Store using the Services. Transfer using the Services outside the Store may be executed only via the “GroupTix” button located on the individual ticket page for My Event in the Service App. Target tickets received by an accompanying person via distribution may be transferred using the Services outside the Store by sending back the applicable target tickets to the ticket holder who distributed the target tickets.

2. Transfer price

Ticket transferor shall transfer the target ticket in the same amount as the ticket price and peripheral fees accrued per ticket, which were paid by the ticket transferor when the target ticket was purchased at a ticket sales service such as a ticket agency.

3. Transfer period

The transfer period is set for each target ticket, and the ticket transferors may transfer at any time during the transfer eligibility period. 

4. Effect of sales contract

The sales contract for the transferred target ticket becomes effective when the contract is established as of the time the ticket purchaser pays the ticket sales price for the transaction, directly between the ticket seller and the ticket purchaser. However, if the Company cancels the payment due to fraudulent acts by the ticket purchaser, etc. during the period between the conclusion of the contract and the holding of the event, the contract for the relevant sale shall also be invalidated. The rights to invalidated target ticket shall be returned to the ticket seller and the ticket seller may list again.

5. The ticket seller cannot cancel, revoke or terminate a sales contract that has been established at the convenience of the ticket seller.

6. Payment of transaction amount

The ticket seller shall grant the Company the right to receive the sales price of the transferred ticket and entrusts the receipt of the ticket transfer price.

7. Transfer ticket data to purchasers

The data of the target ticket that was transferred shall be automatically transferred to the ticket purchaser, as of the time of the conclusion of the sales contract.


Article 4 (Commissions relating to Transfer)

1. The action by members of selling target tickets using Services outside the Store shall require per-ticket commissions.

2. Transfer commissions relating to transfer of target tickets shall be separately stipulated by the Company. Ticket transferor may confirm in advance the amount of the transfer commission upon transferring tickets.

3. The ticket transferor will receive the ticket transfer price after deducting the Company’s transfer commission.

4. The Company shall perform settlement by deducting the transfer commission set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Article from the total purchase price of the target ticket paid to the Company by the ticket purchaser at the time specified by the Company (in the Exhibit), and after settlement, the amount shall be sent to the ticket transferor by the payment method separately determined by the Company.

5. If the amount to be paid to the ticket seller is less than the transfer commission (600 yen (incl. consumption tax); the same shall apply hereinafter) as a result of the settlement in the preceding paragraph, the Company may decide not to pay it.

6. At the time of payment under this article, when the information required for remittance is unregistered or inaccurate when the Company entrusts payment to a remittance agency (the above-mentioned settlement agency may also serve as this; the same shall apply in the subsequent paragraph), the Company may withhold payment until it is registered or corrected. In addition, if the information required for remittance is inaccurate and the Company cannot remit, the transfer fee (this will occur each time remittance is attempted) specified by the Company will be charged again for the re-remittance after the correction, and the ticket transferor shall bear this. The ticket transferor shall register the information necessary for remittance and receive the payment within the period specified by the Company (in the Exhibit), but if the payment is held back due to inadequate registration information etc., the ticket seller shall re-register or correct any information so that remittance can be made within a 24-month period from the time of withholding of payment, and receive payment. In addition, if the ticket transferor does not re-register or make corrections within the period, the ticket transferor shall be deemed to have waived all rights to receive the money, regardless of the name.

7. If the information required for remittance is unregistered or inaccurate when entrusting payment to a remittance agency when making payments under this Article, the Company may, at the time specified by the Company, settle the amount by deducting from the total amount of the purchase price of the target ticket paid to the Company by the ticket purchaser the transfer commission set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Article and the costs required for remittance under this Paragraph, and remit the amount after settlement to the ticket transferor by the payment method specified by the Company separately, not withholding the payment under the preceding paragraph.


Article 5 (Purchase of Tickets)

1. Ticket purchasers can purchase target tickets outside the Store using the Services in accordance with these Rules.

2. Target tickets may also be sold by other ticket sales services and the price there may differ from the prices of target tickets transferred the Store using the Services.

3. The ticket purchaser may not withdraw an application for a purchase contract, revoke, cancel or terminate an established contract, or receive a refund due to the ticket purchaser’s reasons, such as when the ticket purchaser is found not to be the target to use the target ticket after applying for the sales contract or after the sales contract is concluded.

4. When purchasing the target ticket, purchaser may be asked to enter the purchase qualifications such as the fan club membership number specified by the entertainment organizer and the Company. If the purchaser does not have certain purchase qualifications, the purchaser will not be able to purchase target tickets. 

5. When a ticket purchaser purchases the target ticket without entering the purchase qualifications such as the fan club membership number specified by the entertainment organizer and the Company, and then later the fact that the relevant ticket purchaser did not have certain purchase qualifications is discovered, the Company may refuse admission to the target event relating to said ticket for the relevant ticket purchaser, and the ticket purchaser will be not be able to withdraw the sales contract application, or cancel, revoke or terminate a sales contract that has been established, nor be able to receive a refund.

6. Ticket data will be added to the Service App of the ticket purchaser when the sales contract is concluded for the purchased target ticket.

7. Ticket purchasers may not use the distribution function for target tickets purchased using the Services outside the Store.

8. The ticket purchaser shall also accept all of the precautions, etc. prescribed by the entertainment organizer and the Company.


Article 6 (Payments)

1. The amount to be paid when purchasing the target ticket is the total amount of the purchase price of the target ticket, taxes related to the purchase of the ticket, and commissions (“fees, etc.”). However, a separate communication fee will be charged.

2. Purchase commissions for purchasing target tickets shall be determined separately by the Company. Ticket purchasers can check the purchase commission amount in advance when purchasing a ticket.

3. The ticket purchaser shall pay the fees, etc. to the Company, which shall complete the settlement of the target ticket sales contract between the ticket transferor and the ticket purchaser. However, if a fraudulent payment by the ticket purchaser is discovered, the Company shall immediately invalidate the sales contract and revoke the rights to the ticket purchased by the ticket purchaser.

4. There are the following payment methods for fees, etc.

Payment by credit card in the name of the ticket purchaser

(Credit cards issued outside Japan may not be accepted.)

5. The Company shall outsource the paperwork related to payment to SB Payment Service Corp. (“payment agency”).

6. Payment of the fees, etc. shall be in accordance with the provisions of the contract separately concluded by the ticket purchaser with the settlement agency.


Article 7 (Refund for Cancellation of Target Event)

1. Even if the performance organizer announces that the content of the target event has been changed or canceled after the sales contract for the target ticket has been concluded outside the Store, the notification does not affect the validity of the sales contract, and the ticket purchaser related to the sales contract (if the ticket is repeatedly bought and sold outside the Store using the Services, the final ticket purchaser who ultimately holds the data of the target ticket; the same shall apply hereinafter in this article) shall follow the instructions of the organizer and perform the procedures (refunds, etc.) associated with changing or canceling the content of the target event. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability for changing or canceling the content of the target event.

2. When the organizer gives the notification set forth in the preceding paragraph and the Company is requested to act as an agency for refund operations on behalf of the organizer, in principle, the Company shall refund the amount entrusted by the organizer to the ticket purchaser who purchased the ticket at the Store. If we receive a refund request from a ticket agency, we may also act on its behalf.

3. Please note that the Company will not compensate for transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. even in the case of Paragraph 2 of this Article.

4. For refunds, ticket purchasers are required to register information such as bank accounts in the format specified by the Company and the form specified by the settlement company.

5. If the refund account registration as in the preceding paragraph is not done by the date specified by the Company, or if the registration details are incomplete or incorrect and the refund cannot be made, a separate fee will be charged (this will occur each time the refund is attempted) for the refund procedure again and the ticket purchaser shall bear this. If a refund is withheld from the ticket purchaser due to inadequate registration information, etc., the refund shall be received by re-registering or correcting the information with which a refund is possible within a period of 24 months from the time of withholding. If re-registration or corrections are done within the period, the purchaser shall be deemed to have waived the receipt.

6. The Company may re-delegate to the refund agency operations related to refunds under this article requested by the performance organizer or ticket agency, etc. to a refund agency.


Article 8 (Prohibitions)

Members must not perform any of the following acts in addition to Article 25 (Prohibitions) of the AnyPASS Terms of Service.

(1) To transfer by any other method or means that the Company deems unreasonable or inappropriate.

(2) To transfer or purchase even though you do not really intend to transfer or purchase, such as ordering for the purpose of teasing or harassment.

(3) Use third party information for the purpose of forgery or impersonation regarding payment methods and remittance accounts.

(4) Acts that impersonate another person to sell or purchase tickets and may cause inconvenience or damage to the Company, members or third parties.

(5) Assignment or lending, etc. of a member ID.

(6) Acts of using the GroupTix function for commercial purposes, whether directly or indirectly.

(7) Money transfer acts other than on the Service site provided by the Company.

(8) The act of entering information, etc. that contains false, inaccurate, or misleading content.

(9) Acts of falsifying information that can be used for the Service.

(10) Acts that violate the laws and regulations of Japan or applicable foreign countries (simply “Laws”), or acts that violate the public order and morals. Also, the act of recommending and promoting such acts.

(11) Acts that violate the TOS and individual rules.

(12) In addition to the previous items, any act that may interfere with the provision of the GroupTix functions.


Article 9 (Disclaimer)

1. Members shall use the GroupTix function exclusively at their own risk. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability for any damage caused by information, materials, etc. obtained by members through the use of the GroupTix function. In addition, the Company shall assume no liability for content such as information, materials, reliability and accuracy of the facts provided.

2. The Company shall assume no liability for any hindrance to the use of the service due to reasons arising out of members. In using the service, the Company shall consider that members fully understand that the Services may not be used unless members follow the instructions from the Company and perform procedures in accordance with the instructions.

3. The Company and the transferor shall assume no liability for any damage or disadvantage incurred by the purchaser themself due to refusal of the purchaser’s use of the GroupTix function, cancellation of membership or cancellation of transfer. 

4. The purchaser may make no claim for damages or any other objection to the transferor or the Company regarding a decision to confirm or cancel a purchase.

5. The Company shall assume no responsibility for matters related to the availability of financial resources of the purchaser and the transferor and the fulfillment of obligations.

6. If the Company is unable to provide the Services due to natural disaster, legal and administrative guidance, guidance from regulatory agencies, accident, force majeure, etc., the Company shall be exempted from liability for service provision.

7. The Company shall assume no liability for any damage incurred by the computer and network environment used by the members through the use of the GroupTix function.

8. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability even if an event for a transferred ticket fails to be executed, irrespective of the reason.


Article 10 (Tax Payments)

Ticket transferors shall contact the tax authorities in their area for tax payments on the amount of money earned from ticket transactions outside the Store using the Services.


Article 11 (Establishment and Revision)

The dates of enactment and revision of these Rules shall be as follows.


Establishment: March 30, 2023

Revision: May 11, 2023

Revision: August 1, 2023

Revision: July 25, 2024


【Individual Rules on AnyPASS MATCH】

AnyPASS MATCH is one of the functions of the Services. To use this function, it’s necessary to agree to these Individual Rules.


Article 1 (Definitions)

Definitions of the terms used in these Rules shall be as follows:

(1) “Target event” refers to concerts, events, sports events etc. for which exchange of tickets using AnyPASS MATCH is permitted.

(2) “Target ticket” means a tickets for a target event.

(3) “Target ticket holder” means a member who purchases a target ticket from a ticket sales service such as a ticket agency, etc. and the Store and holds the right to said ticket in the Service App.

(4) “Ticket exchange applicant” refers to a member who applies for exchange of a target ticket using AnyPASS MATCH or whose application is accepted.

(5)  “Ticket exchange acceptor” refers to a member who accepts or has accepted for exchange a target ticket using AnyPASS MATCH.

(6) “Accompanying person” means a member who receives tickets by distribution from the Ticket Holder.

(7) “Store Site” means AnyPASS STORE website operated by the Company: https: //

(8) “Smartphone,” “mobile phone number,” and “email address” refer to each user's smartphone terminal used for the Services, and the mobile phone number and email address thereof, respectively.


Article 2 (Specifics of Function)

Major specifics of the AnyPASS MATCH shall be as follows:

Ticket exchange

Ticket holders may exchange target tickets using AnyPASS MATCH. An accompanying person may not exchange a target ticket, in principle. In addition, AnyPASS MATCH cannot be used for tickets other than target tickets.


Article 3 (Ticket Exchange Application)

1. Application for exchange

Ticket exchange applicants may apply for exchange of the target tickets using AnyPASS MATCH. Applications for exchange of target tickets using AnyPASS MATCH may be executed only via the “Exchange” button located on the individual ticket page for My Event in the Service App. Target tickets received by an accompanying person via distribution may be exchanged using AnyPASS MATCH by sending back the applicable target tickets to the ticket holder who distributed the target tickets.

2. Tickets subject to exchange

A ticket exchange requestor may exchange the target ticket with a target ticket of the same price as the target ticket they hold.

3. Exchange period

An exchange period is set for each target ticket, and the ticket exchange applicant may exchange at any point during the exchange eligibility period.

4. Change of application details

For target tickets for which applicants have applied for exchange, details such as the number of tickets for exchange or exchange conditions may not be changed. If a ticket exchange applicant desires to change the details, the applicant must cancel the application, change the details, and apply again.

5. Effect of exchange agreement

An exchange agreement for the exchanged target ticket shall come into effect as of the time when the ticket exchange acceptor pays the Company the exchange service fees relating to such exchange (as of completion of payment), directly between the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor; provided that if the Company rescinds the payment due to misconduct, etc. of the ticket exchange applicant or the ticket exchange acceptor during the time from the conclusion of the agreement to the event, the applicable exchange agreement shall also be nullified. Nullified target tickets may be subject to re-exchange after the rights thereto are returned to the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor.

6. Ticket exchange applicants may not nullify, cancel or terminate already concluded exchange agreements for their own reasons.

7. When exchanging target tickets, members may be required to enter exchange qualifications such as the designated fan club membership numbers, etc., determined by the event organizer and the Company. If an applicant does not hold certain exchange qualifications, the applicant may not exchange the target tickets.

8. If a ticket exchange applicant exchanges a target ticket without entering exchange qualifications such as the membership number of the designated fan club specified by the organizer and the Company, and then later it is ascertained that the ticket exchange applicant is not a holder of the specific exchange qualifications, the Company may refuse to allow the ticket exchange applicant to enter the target event related to the ticket, and the ticket exchange applicant may not withdraw the application for the exchange agreement, nor may it nullify, cancel or terminate the already-concluded exchange agreement.

9. Ticket data transfer

The data of the target ticket exchanged will be automatically transferred as of the time the exchange agreement is established.


Article 4 (Ticket Exchange Acceptance)

1. The ticket exchange acceptor may accept an application for exchange of a target ticket by the ticket exchange applicant using AnyPASS MATCH in accordance with these Rules.

2. The ticket exchange acceptor may exchange the target ticket with a target ticket of the same price as the target ticket in their own possession.

3. The ticket exchange acceptor may not withdraw an acceptance for exchange agreement, rescind, cancel or terminate an already-established exchange agreement, or refund, due to their own reasons such as the case where it turns out that there is no eligibility to use the target ticket after the exchange agreement is established.

4. When exchanging a target ticket, in some cases entry of an exchange qualification such as the specified fan club membership number determined by the event organizer or the Company is required. If the specific exchange qualification is not on hand, the target ticket may not be exchanged.

5. If the ticket exchange acceptor exchanges a target ticket without entering the exchange qualification such as the specified fan club membership number determined by the event organizer or the Company, and it turns out later that the relevant ticket exchange acceptor does not have the specific exchange qualification, the Company may refuse entry to the target event pertaining to the ticket for the ticket exchange acceptor, and the ticket exchange acceptor may not withdraw its acceptance of the exchange agreement, rescind, cancel or terminate an already-established exchange agreement, or give a refund.

6. Ticket data for the exchanged target tickets will be added to the Service App once the exchange agreement is established.


Article 5 (Service Fees for Exchange)

1. For the act of exchanging a target ticket using AnyPASS MATCH, the member needs to pay a service charge for each ticket.

2. An exchange service charge pertaining to exchange of the target ticket shall be separately specified by the Company. Note that the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor may check the amount of the exchange service fee at the time of the ticket exchange.


Article 6 (Payments)

1. The amount to be paid for the exchange of the target ticket is the exchange service fee specified in the preceding article; provided that a communications fee may be charged separately.

2. The ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor shall pay the exchange service fee to the Company, and the payment related to the exchange agreement for the exchanged target ticket between the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor shall be completed thereby. However, if fraudulent payment is discovered by the ticket exchange applicant or the ticket exchange accepter, the Company shall immediately invalidate the exchange agreement and cancel the right to the applicable exchanged ticket.

3. Following are the methods of payment of the exchange service fees:

Payment by credit card in the name of the person concerned

(Credit cards issued outside Japan may not be accepted.)

4. The Company consigns administrative processing related to payments to SB Payment Service Co., Ltd. (“settlement agency”)

5. Regarding payment of exchange service fees, the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor shall comply with the provisions of the agreement separately concluded by the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor with the settlement agency.


Article 7 (Refund for Cancellation of Target Event)

1. When the event organizer notifies of cancellation of the target event after application for exchange of the target ticket using AnyPASS MATCH and before acceptance, the Company may nullify said application.

2. Even if there is a notice of change in the content of the target event or cancellation of the target event from the organizer after the exchange agreement for the target ticket using AnyPASS MATCH has been established, such notice will not affect the validity of the relevant exchange agreement. Please follow the procedures (refund, etc.) associated with the content change or cancellation of the target event for the ticket held after the exchange (if exchange of the ticket using AnyPASS MATCH is repeated, the ticket ultimately held (the same shall apply hereinafter in this article)), in accordance with the notification from the event organizer. Note that the Company shall assume no liability for the content change or cancellation of the target event.

3. In the case where the organizer has issued the notice set forth in the preceding paragraph, if the Company receives a request from the organizer to perform refund operations on behalf of the organizer, in principle, the Company will refund the amount entrusted to the Company by the organizer to the ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor who exchanged the ticket using AnyPASS MATCH. If the Company receives a refund request from a ticket agency, the Company may likewise act as a proxy for the refund.

4. Please note that the Company will not compensate for transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. even in the case of Paragraph 2 of this Article.

5. When refunding, the ticket exchange applicant and ticket exchange acceptor must register information such as bank account information in the format specified by the Company and the form specified by the payment company.

6. If the registration of the refund account in the preceding paragraph is not completed before the date specified by the Company, or if the refund cannot be made due to incompleteness or error in the registration details, a separate service fee will be charged for the refund procedure again (each time a refund is attempted), which shall be borne by the relevant ticket exchange applicant or the ticket exchange acceptor. If the refund is withheld due to incomplete registration information, etc., the ticket exchange applicant or ticket exchange acceptor shall re-register or correct the information within 24 months from the time of suspension and receive the refund. In addition, if re-registration or correction is not conducted within the period, it will be deemed that the purchaser has given up on receiving a refund.

7. The Company may re-delegate to the refund agency operations related to refunds under this article requested by the event organizer or ticket agency, etc. to a refund agency.


Article 8 (Prohibitions)

Members must not perform any of the following acts in addition to Article 25 (Prohibitions) of the AnyPASS Terms of Service.

(1) Exchange by a method or means that the Company deems unlawful or inappropriate,

(2) Exchange without the intention to actually exchange, such as exchange for the purpose of teasing or harassment,

(3) Exchange tickets that are different from the target tickets whose exchange is agreed in advance between the ticket exchange applicant and ticket exchange acceptor,

(4) Use third party information for the purpose of forgery or impersonation regarding payment methods and remittance accounts.

(5) Impersonate another person to exchange a ticket, which may cause inconvenience or damage to the Company, the member, or a third party,

(6) Assignment or lending, etc. of a member ID.

(7) Use AnyPASS MATCH for commercial purposes, whether directly or indirectly,

(8) Money transfer acts other than on the Service site provided by the Company.

(9) The act of entering information, etc. that contains false, inaccurate, or misleading content.

(10) Acts of falsifying information that can be used for the Service.

(11) Acts that violate the laws and regulations of Japan or applicable foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as “Laws”), or acts that violate the public order and morals. Also, the act of recommending and promoting such acts.

(12) Acts that violate the TOS and individual rules.

(13) In addition to the preceding items, engage in any act that may interfere with the provision of AnyPASS MATCH.


Article 9 (Disclaimer)

1. Members shall use AnyPASS MATCH at their own responsibility. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability whatsoever for damage caused by the information and materials, etc. obtained by members through use of AnyPASS MATCH. In addition, the Company shall assume absolutely no liability whatsoever for contents, including the reliability and accuracy of information, materials or facts provided.

2. The Company shall assume no liability for any hindrance to the use of the service due to reasons arising out of members. In using the service, the Company shall consider that members fully understand that the Services may not be used unless members follow the instructions from the Company and perform procedures in accordance with the instructions.

3. The Company shall assume absolutely no liability even for any damage or disadvantages incurred by the ticket exchange applicant or the ticket exchange acceptor themselves due to their refusal to use AnyPASS MATCH, cancellation of membership, or cancellation of exchange.

4. The ticket exchange applicant and the ticket exchange acceptor cannot claim damages or make any other objection to the opposite party or the Company regarding a decision to confirm or cancel the exchange.

5. The Company shall assume no liability for matters related to the ticket exchange applicant or the ticket exchange acceptor’s financial resources or the fulfillment of their obligations.

6. If the Company is unable to provide the Services due to natural disaster, legal and administrative guidance, guidance from regulatory agencies, accident, force majeure, etc., the Company shall be exempted from liability for service provision.

7. The Company shall assume no liability for any damage that occurs in the computer and network environment used by the member through the use of AnyPASS MATCH.

8. Regardless of the reason, even if the performance of the exchanged ticket is not carried out, the Company shall assume no liability.


Article 10 (Tax Payments)

For tax payments pertaining to amounts obtained through ticket transactions using AnyPASS MATCH by the ticket exchange applicant or the ticket exchange acceptor, please inquire of the tax authorities that have jurisdiction over the area in which you live.


Article 11 (Establishment and Revision)

The dates of enactment and revision of these Rules shall be as follows.


Establishment: July 25, 2024


Ticket purchase for minors

Parental consent is required for minors to purchase tickets. No cancellations or refunds will be made after ticket purchase, even if it is discovered that parental consent was not obtained.

Please complete the application within 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the application may be interrupted.
Tickets purchased may not be consecutive seats. Please understand this in advance.
